Edgewood Marching Mustangs
Edgewood Marching Mustangs Carwash Fundraiser
About This Fundraiser

Everyone likes a clean car and 90% of the profit goes straight back to our students accounts!

Our Edgewood Marching Mustangs, Guard and Percussion Programs work tirelessly throughout the year. The Marching Mustangs obtained back to back Class C State Championship in 2023. Our Winter Guard obtained a bronze medal at State for the first time, our new Cadet Guard received a Gold Rating in their first State Contest, and our Winter Percussion just won their third back to back State Championship.

50% of Proceeds go directly to the organization.
Ultimate wash info
Crew washes info
Purchase eWashes
Fundraiser is Over
This fundraiser is no longer active. Please contact the organization if you have any questions.
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